Improve Now With These Basketball Shooting Tips

Basketball Shooting Tips

One of the most crucial tips in basketball shooting is to keep control of the ball throughout the entire shot. You can do this by keeping your shoulder in line with the ball and eliminating any negative thoughts. Another key point in shooting a basketball is to avoid pulling and pushing the ball with your hand. By doing so, you will be able to increase the range of your shot.

Maintaining control of the ball

When shooting basketball, it is crucial to maintain control of the ball and keep your hands in a natural position. To begin, align your elbows so that your lower arm remains vertical. Then, raise your wrist to a 90-degree angle and aim for the basket with your shooting hand. This will help you maintain a consistent line with the basketball as you shoot.

You can release the ball by either hand, or by combining them. With the guide hand, you should support the ball until the shooting hand can get underneath. Once the shooting hand has reached this point, you can release the ball by yourself. The guide hand should be loosely held on the ball with your fingers pointing upwards. Keep the distance between the guide hand and the ball small so that it does not interfere with the shooting hand’s position. Also, remember that your guide hand should not be used to grip the basketball or to power it to the basket.

The most important thing to remember is to keep your hands relaxed, but in a position that will allow the ball to contact the palm and pads of your fingers. You should also keep the non-shooting hand slightly under the ball. The goal is to hold this position until the ball reaches its target. Once you get in a habit of holding your hand in the wrong position, the bad habit will be ingrained in your mechanics. Therefore, it is vital to fix your bad habits as soon as possible.

Eliminating negative thoughts

Eliminating negative thoughts is vital for shooting basketball with more accuracy and consistency. When you start to criticize yourself while shooting, you create anxiety that can have negative effects on your game. It also distracts you from the task at hand, affecting your concentration, aim, and stroke. It’s easy to get caught up in self-criticism.

Luckily, there are several ways to stop yourself from having negative thoughts. First, you need to pause your thought sequence. By repeating the word “stop,” you will interrupt the thought and give yourself the time you need to focus. But chances are, those negative thoughts will come back again. This means you have to practice thought stopping to see if it works for you. Alternatively, you can think of something else to replace the negative thought.

Positioning the ball in line with your shoulder

Positioning the ball in line with your shoulder is an essential part of good shooting form. It’s easy to forget to do this, and you can end up with a bad shot. You should always position the ball in line with your shoulder and elbow. When shooting, you should also dip the ball to your waist or thigh. However, this is not necessary if you’re taking a bounce pass or shooting off dribble.

Practicing shooting drills is crucial for improving your technique. You need to practice the release portion of your shot. You should aim to hit the line with seven of your shots. It’s also important to practice shooting the same way each time. One way to do this is to practice shooting from a stationary position.

When shooting from an open stance, you need to make sure that your hand is in line with your shoulder. Then, you can use your elbow to extend your shooting arm toward the hoop. Finally, you need to bend your arms at about 90%.

Pushing vs pulling the ball

When it comes to basketball shooting, there are several key differences between pulling and pushing the ball. The former requires you to be passive with your hand and wrist, while the latter relies on larger muscles in the lower body. When you push the ball, it should travel straight up and forward while keeping an even arch.

Many players have trouble getting their hands underneath the ball at the start of their shooting motion. This can result in a shot with too much spin and lack of fluidity. To prevent this, shooters should keep their Guide Hands under the ball. The goal is to keep your Guide Hand under the ball and place your Shooting Hand behind the ball. Once you’ve achieved this, you’ll be able to spin the ball gently into your Shooting Hand.

Pushing the ball is more effective when you’re aiming for the top corner of the basket. In addition to reducing the amount of effort required to shoot, this method gives you added power. Make sure you leave a little space between the ball and your palms. When you’re in the shooting position, lean back slightly with your shoulders.

Dipping the ball before shooting

Dipping the ball before shooting can be an effective strategy to improve your shots. This helps you create a rhythm and reduce tension before the shot. Dipping the ball can also help you improve your long-range shots. However, you should remember that you should not dip the ball every time you receive a pass.

Historically, coaches did not want players to lower the ball after receiving it because they wanted to get the players into shooting position as quickly as possible. However, dipping the ball before shooting has recently gained popularity as a strategy that supposedly gives players more power and rhythm. Some elite shooters practice this tip religiously, including Hall of Famer Ray Allen.

The “dip” technique involves lowering the ball and then changing your angle of your shooting fingers. This technique is more effective for young players, as it allows them to create more power for their shots. However, it is not ideal for adults as it wastes time and increases the risk of the ball being stripped.


Rhythm is one of the most important factors in basketball shooting. There are many parts to the shot, and they all must be executed in perfect rhythm. First, the basketball must be raised from the shot pocket. When the player raises the basketball past shoulder level, the knees and hips must be fully extended. As the player straightens their knees, they should extend their elbow into the air as well.

The shooting motion must involve a smooth upward and downward motion. It should also include a down and up motion of the arms and legs. This allows for a quick release and minimizes the risk of error. It is also important to keep the shooting hand facing the rim, and to emphasize the up and down motion of the legs. The player should also avoid stepping into the shot, as this disrupts the rhythm. Rhythm in basketball shooting can be achieved by making use of anchor words, which help the player visualize a successful shot. Ideally, the shot should start high, with the index finger facing the rim and the shooting hand going straight to the basket. Secondly, the shooting hand must have a high arch and the proper release of the ball off the index finger.